ACC Statement of Philosophy

Australian Christian College (ACC) is a not-for-profit, non-denominational, Christian Education organisation whose mission is to develop each and every student to be equipped spiritually, academically, socially and physically to flourish into their full potential, and be a positive influence on the world around them.
ACC is wholeheartedly committed to excellence in education so that students are “well known, well loved, and well taught” by dedicated trained Christian staff.
To achieve these outcomes our vision is to be:
- Building a Biblical Foundation in the life of every student.
- Praying that each student has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Helping each student to succeed in whatever God wants them to do.
The ACC values, based on the characteristics of Jesus Christ, help our communities to function respectfully and joyfully, as we serve one another and bring glory to God.
- C - Courage
- H - Humility
- R - Respect
- I - Initiative
- S - Self-Control
- T - Trust
Statement of Faith
The school staff believes:
- That the 66 books of the Bible are the Word of God, divinely inspired in all parts without error in its origin and the sole authority for doctrine and practice;
- In the one Triune God, eternally existent as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who created the physical universe by His direct and immediate spoken word and man in His own image, during the six days of creation;
- That Satan is a real personality and an evil presence in the world;
- In the pre-existence, incarnation, virgin birth, sinless nature and life, miracles, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, ascension to heaven and personal bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ;
- In the total depravity of the nature of man and the entrance of death into the world through his fall in the Garden of Eden and the absolute inability of man to save himself from eternal punishment by his own works;
- In the regeneration of man by the grace of God and the work of the Holy Spirit, which is available to whoever comes to Christ through faith in His finished work on the cross;
- In the spiritual relationship of all believers with the Lord Jesus Christ and witnessing to His saving grace and living a life of good works and service, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Student Attributes
We have identified 12 student attributes that we are fostering in our students. These attributes are encouraged throughout the school community.

They leave ACC with a vibrant faith grounded in biblical truth. They act compassionately and graciously yet also think deeply and biblically. They are courageous and articulate in communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

They maintain composure when faced with adversity and see challenges as growth opportunities. They have the ability to push forward in spite of difficult times and approach hurdles with courage.

They show empathy and care toward others out of a heart that has been transformed by God’s grace. With the power of sin no longer ruling their hearts, they can sacrificially serve others less fortunate out of a desire for their good.

They minimise their self-importance to elevate the significance of those around them. Servant leadership is a reflection of their heart which is captured by the Gospel and seeks the good of others even at great cost.

They are joyful, content and thankful for the small and big things in life. They display an optimistic outlook and pleasant disposition. This gratitude is based on the hope of salvation due to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

They act in a self-disciplined manner, recognising their gifts, abilities and shortcomings. They think before acting and understand that self discipline models a Christ-centred life. They pause, reflect and choose their words before speaking.

They ask great questions and are eager for knowledge. Their natural curiosity is encouraged and nurtured. They seek answers, research thoroughly, create alternatives, challenge assumptions, think deeply and test theories.

They exercise creativity in a broad range of situations from problem solving to critical thinking. They are able to spark original ideas by applying existing concepts to new contexts and repurposing resources.

They are able to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with a variety of people and in various contexts. They are attentive listeners and articulate their ideas and thoughts honestly, confidently and logically.

They construct evidence for an argument following logical steps and based on sound reasoning. They objectively analyse and evaluate issues in order to form a well considered judgement based on facts.

They realise their perspective is not the only valid one and so work with others to arrive at a better outcome. They thrive in environments where people are tasked with working together toward the achievement of a shared goal.

They take the time to reflect on learning outcomes, celebrate success and work hard to improve. They recognise that reflection embeds learning and provides the space necessary to learn and move forward.