ACC Benalla primary boy wearing sports uniform and backpack on school oval

Primary School

Primary aged girl sitting outside wearing ACC sports uniform and broadbrim hat
Group of kindergarten students sitting in circle with teacher while reading together
ACC Benalla primary boy sitting at desk with pencils in the foreground

A range of student opportunities

We provide a broad range of opportunities for students inside and outside the classroom. We believe in providing an education that not only helps our students learn, but also helps them grow into well-rounded young adults.

We offer a variety of cocurricular activities, sporting opportunities and clubs for our students to get involved in. Current student clubs include Chess Club, Knitting Club and Choir. Students have the opportunity to flex their creative muscles through weekly Visual Arts and Performing Arts classes.

We also have a number of unique academic programs, such as our STEM program, which helps our students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Outside of the classroom, we offer a number of field trips and excursions for our students to enjoy as well as swimming lessons and camps. We also have a strong focus on community service, and our students have the opportunity to give back to the local community through a number of different initiatives.

If you’re looking for a school that will challenge, inspire and support your child, then ACC Benalla’s Primary School is the right choice for you.