Early Childhood (K-2)
Our early years’ education program fosters a love of learning with a focus on building strong foundations within an age appropriate context that encourages curiosity, imagining, discovery and an appreciation for the wider world. If a solid foundation is laid at this early stage of their schooling journey, then ‘learning gaps’ will not prohibit their ability to thrive in later years.
Each child’s development and long-term success is optimised through a curriculum that is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework, the National Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education, the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline and Christian values.
We have a detailed plan to help your child learn how to read. At the beginning of the school year students are tested to determine their reading level. We use assessments that provide feedback to teachers and parents months before the NAPLAN tests take place.
Feedback from assessments allow us to customise our approach when we are teaching your child how to read. In some cases, we find that students can read fluently but the tests reveal that the student does not comprehend what they are reading. In other cases, the tests identify the need for further specialist advice.
In addition to our focus on teaching our students how to read and write we spend a significant portion of the day in Maths and we have a rich selection of topics in the areas of Science, HASS, the Arts, Technologies, Health and Physical Education.
It is a very special time in a child’s educational journey and we see it as the gateway to lifelong learning. A great experience in the first years of schooling can make all of the difference as a child develops.