Student Improvement Showcase
Whether your child needs to be stretched, is struggling, or is somewhere in between, our committed team of teachers will help move them forward. Following is a selection of students who have significantly improved recently in an area of school life.

Adam Davies
"Miss Min, my maths teacher, said that I have displayed enthusiasm toward my learning, which has led to an increase in my overall results. I think she is right. Since I’ve been trying harder my maths grade has increased to a B. I plan to maintain, or better, this grade next year."
"Adam is doing better in Maths with the help of his dedicated teacher, Miss Min. She is spurring Adam on to work hard and improve."
Mark & Amanda Davis

Charlotte Darby
"I used to be shy and reserved, but through my involvement with Drama Club I have become more confident. I’m now involved in class discussions and enjoy asking questions. I have also been stepping out of my comfort zone and performing in front of the whole school."
"Charlotte’s confidence has dramatically improved in recent years. We are grateful for the encouragement provided by her teachers. She is flourishing!"
Belinda Pickering

Rose Gibb
"I was just an average student in maths - just passing. After a lot of encouragement from my teacher and by working with my parents, I’ve improved so much. From getting C’s, I’m now getting high B’s and sometimes even A’s!"
"We are thrilled with Rose’s progress in Maths. We’ve been pleased with the synergy of parent, teacher and student along with hard work from Rose."
Steve & Jane Gibb

"Going on the mission trip to Palm Island has given me an understanding of indigenous people and culture. It also bought me closer to God. I am now praying and reading my bible every day. I’m growing in my faith."
"I am grateful for the opportunity afforded to Telisha-Jaide to go on the Palm Island Mission Trip. Telisha-Jaide is maturing in her love of Jesus."
Samantha Ballardin

Caroline Matthews
"I’ve always enjoyed English but was only achieving average marks. With the support and encouragement of my parents and teacher I am now achieving A’s. I am so happy with my recent improvement and hope to maintain an A-level for English moving forward."
"Caroline has always had a good work ethic. It is encouraging to see her hard work is now translating to great grades."
Russ & Cathy Matthews

Aiden Marshall
"When I was in primary school, I was really struggling academically. But since starting secondary this year, my grades have dramatically improved. I have leaped from failing maths last year to an A this year. My maths teacher this year saw potential in me and encouraged me to try harder."
"From almost repeating last year, to one of the top maths students this year in his year level, Aiden has come along leaps and bounds!"
Michael & Cindy Marshall

Eliana Gindi
"I have always enjoyed food tech and achieved high grades, but in recent times my practical ability has dramatically improved thanks to the support and inspiration provided by my teacher. I tried out my cooking skills on a large family gathering recently and everyone was impressed with the presentation and taste!"
"We are so proud of Eliana’s cooking skills and food tech grades. She has a love of cooking and is keen to follow her passion."
Zina Albazi & Elhab Gindi

Eden Puddle
"English is my favourite subject, however I was only receiving Ds. This year I have been applying myself more and my grade has jumped to a B. I look forward to English class and interacting with my teacher and class."
"Eden’s marks in English have improved from Ds to Bs this year. As his parents, we are delighted with the progress he is making."
Aran & Kelista Puddle

Caleb Thomas
"I was struggling at school - big time! I had fallen a few years behind the other students in my year level. But this year with extra support from the teachers at ACC, I am now learning with the other Year 9 students and achieving grades between 50% and 60%."
"The support given to Caleb by the teachers at ACC this year has been nothing short of extraordinary. Caleb is doing incredibly well now."
Alex & Lina Thomas

Alex Spence
"I prefer learning outdoors. I love sport, camping and adventure. The best part of this year for me has been designing and building the community garden and surrounding seating in Design & Technology class. Because I enjoyed it, my grades improved."
"Alex would come home and talk about the garden project he had worked on that day at school. It helped him to increase his engagement in learning at school."
Ila May Spence

Simeon Fazio
"English wasn’t my strongest subject, however thanks to the independent learning program developed by my teachers this year, I have improved greatly. I plan to keep up my efforts and further improve my grades in the coming years."
"I have been pleased with Simeon’s improvement in English this year. The support from his teachers is much appreciated."
Rebecca Fazio

Jacob Scott
"My favourite subject is Design & Technology. Mrs Aydin encourages me to work hard and produce the best ‘products’ that I can. I have enjoyed designing a minimalist ring this year on Fusion360. I also love undertaking research in preparation for projects. I was so happy to receive an A for D&T."
"As Jacob’s parents, we are pleased to see the way he is applying himself in Design & Technology. His love of this subject is evident in his results."
Terry & Julie Scott

"I wasn't expecting the mission trip to Palm Island to have the impact on me that it did. The experience lead me to a greater appreciation for worship and prayer. The YWAM leaders encouraged me to wholeheartedly worship God and not be concerned with what others might think."
"Gilbert grew tremendously in his personal faith in God as a result of going to Palm Island on mission. We are excited for what God has planned for our son."
Brian & Angela Eggert

Alessia Bertuccio
"Maths is one of my better subjects, but recently I have improved even further. My teachers have been stretching me to work harder and improve upon my previous best results. Thanks to their encouragement I am now one of the top students in my year level for Maths."
"We’ve been delighted by the improvement in Alessia’s maths grade. She is working harder with encouragement from her teachers."
Anthony & Linda Bertuccio

Ruby Skippen
"I have been completing a Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology during Year 11 through a partnership between ACC and Veta Youth. The course has strengthened my walk with God and helped me to better understand his Word. I am grateful for the opportunity to complete the course while doing school."
"Ruby’s faith has deepened during Year 11 due to the Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology. It has been a real blessing to her."
Sheridan Wells