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Got a question about Distance Education?
Frequently Asked Distance Education Questions
Exploring Distance Education in Queensland, interstate, or overseas? Our FAQ section covers everything from enrolment requirements to daily class routines, designed to guide families through the essentials of our flexible and faith-based online learning program. Discover how we support students across Queensland to thrive academically and socially, regardless of where they are.
Frequently Asked Questions
Distance Education is a legislated form of schooling where your child is enrolled with a registered school and studies at home. The school provides the learning program and qualified teachers, and the student is supervised at home by a parent or another responsible adult. Unlike home schooling, families are not visited by inspectors from the government authorities as our school holds the registration.
For enrolment in our distance education program, our primary requirements are a stable internet connection and the presence of a full-time home supervisor to guide the student.
No, we don’t require students to sit entrance exams. Regardless of your child’s academic ability, distance education can accommodate his or her needs. However, we do require our students to sit for an online ACER test in literacy and numeracy to ensure their teachers are well-informed of their academic proficiency.
Yes, distance education with Australian Christian College is open to any student in Queensland wishing to complete Prep to Year 12 via this modality (pending entry requirements under Standard 16). As a Christian school, we welcome students of all backgrounds. The school allows students to explore faith without forcing commitment.
There's no fixed timetable that students must follow. However, students need to complete 5 days worth of coursework each week, so they don't fall behind.
There is no minimum or maximum daily class time, however, we do have a recommended timetable to help students stay on track to complete 5 days worth of coursework each week. The time it takes to complete the distance education program can vary from student to student. However the school day is not interrupted with on campus events and students and therefore distance education school work can often be completed in a shorter time frame then a typical on campus school day.
You may be able to travel around Australia while completing distance education. The biggest challenge in doing so is accessing a reliable internet connection. Please ask the school for more information.
Some children lose contact with their old school friends, while others do not. It depends on how intentional your child is in maintaining contact with his or her friends. Your child will also make new school friends online and through participating in co-curricular activities, face to face connection days and camps.
Yes, Australian Christian College - Moreton is able to enrol students living overseas from Prep- year 12. Please review school fees for international enrolments. (Click the “International fees” text link under the fee schedule)
While it’s better to start at the beginning of a term, new students can start any time of the year. If you are wanting to enrol your student in senior only, we recommend enrolling at the beginning of year 10 or by the beginning of term 3. Enrolments after term 3 are still welcomed, but will require individual discussions about QCE and ATAR eligibility.
Learning something new can be daunting. As such, we provide comprehensive induction training so you’ll feel confident from day one. The training program covers accessing the school’s learning management system, setting up your child’s online profile, setting up a timetable, monitoring progress, connecting with other students, accessing courses, working through lessons, participating in discussions, submitting work online, accessing textbooks, communicating with teachers, and taking attendance online. We’ve found that students learn our system very quickly because they’re comfortable in a technology-rich environment. The focus of induction is on the parent, who is acting as the supervisor. We’re happy to give you the time that you need to understand how it works.
Distance education students participate in NAPLAN testing in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Families have 3 options
- Elect to withdraw from testing.
- Arrange to go to your nearest school.
- Come to ACC Moreton campus
- If you live more than QCAA specified km from your nearest school you will be allowed to complete the NAPLAN tests online. This has certain conditions and requires 2 computers in operation at one time (one for proctoring purposes and one for the exam).
In the secondary years, many students choose to work a casual or part-time job in conjunction with distance education so long as work doesn’t interfere with the student’s academic studies.
Students communicate with teachers, primarily, through the online messaging system. Students can also email and phone teachers if needed.
We follow ACARA (Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority) for all curriculum and assessment Prep-year 10. All our Senior programming follows QCAA (Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority). The school is accredited and fully licensed to deliver P-12 distance education through the NSSAB (Non State School Accreditation Board). This allows your child to seamlessly transition back into regular school if required.
You act as supervisor of your child’s learning ensuring your child is engaged, completing their daily lessons and submitting their evidence for learning . Your child’s teachers are responsible for your child’s academic progress, but you work in partnership with the school to make sure your child is working well.
Your child’s teachers will be monitoring the academic progress of your child. If they’re falling behind, your child’s teacher will be in contact to offer solutions.
Primary students spend, on average, less than an hour a day online. For secondary students, this increases to about 3 to 4 hours. While our program and lesson videos are all online and require a student to be in front of a screen watching the teaching, there is considerable time given to completing ‘bookwork’. Bookwork can be completed in the traditional paper/pencil style, however secondary students often find it helpful to complete lesson tasks in documents on their computer.
Only in extreme circumstances is time off required, because distance education is portable and flexible. Most distance education students complete school work in their hotel rooms either before or after competing or performing each day.
Your child can gain an ATAR and university placement Students can also earn their Queensland Certificate of Education through their online subjects in Years 11 and 12. Students can also complete certificates and VET Pathways.. Please ask the school for more details.
Our distance education has a dedicated learning enrichment team that works with families to implement adjustments suitable for specific learning needs. Parents work alongside their students to ensure these adjustments enable a successful learning journey.
You will need an ADSL (or better) internet connection to succeed with distance education. Faster internet helps with video load speeds and when uploading assessments. There are a number of new satellite providers offering a cost-effective, fast internet connection, contact us for more information.
Your child will receive report cards at a minimum of twice a year. There is some variation of this in grade 10, 11 and 12 due to the timing of subject completion.
Co-curricular activities, such as camps, excursions and sporting events provide social opportunities for your child. We also offer live video calls for virtual excursions, weekly clubs and weekly class connections. In addition, you’ll need to be intentional about making sure your child is in regular contact with friends outside school.
Where possible, costs are included in our school fees. Some extra costs which may be relevant include some novels, media and materials for student experiments and projects. Optional co-curricular activities like camps and mission trips are charged on a user-pays basis. Learn more at co-curricular.
We recommend the Apple MacBook Air as the best computer for an online student. If you cannot afford to purchase an Apple MacBook Air (or another Apple computer), you can use your existing computer so long as you have access to broadband or ADSL Internet. You can also access our program through an iPad and there are apps like ‘Scanner Pro’ which will enable you to take copies of your physical work and return them to the school electronically. You could also use an iPad when it comes time to doing multimedia projects like movie making, audio interviews and other creative tasks.
No, you can use any computer that’s less than 3 years old. We recommend Apple computers, because they are used by our teachers and students’ report that they're reliable.
Our students follow the ACARA (Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority) which allows them to seamlessly transition back into regular school if required. The school is accredited by the Non State Schools Accreditation Board (NSSAB).
Learning support is available through our Learning Support Coordinator. Please make us aware of your needs before enrolling. Our learning support staff provide adjustments around the curriculum and timing (e.g. extra time to complete tasks). Other adjustments that might be required around delivery/instruction and the environment are delivered by the full time home supervisor under the guidance of the learning support teacher.
Because we’re accredited by NSSAB as a private school, you don’t need to notify the government of your decision to enrol in distance education.
You don’t have to be tech-savvy to succeed in distance education. Only a basic level of technological proficiency is necessary. If you can use basic office software and email and you’ll be fine. You will be required to scan, print and upload. Uploads may involve images, videos and/or documents.
A responsible adult needs to act as the full time home supervisor for online students. If you both work, you’ll need to find another responsible adult, or perhaps, one of you can work from home.
Using the resources and technology provided by the school, students learn in a range of ways, including talking with teachers over the phone, discussing ideas online with fellow students, studying independently.