Student Improvement Showcase
Whether your child needs to be stretched, is struggling, or is somewhere in between, our committed team of teachers will help move them forward. Following is a selection of students who have significantly improved recently in an area of school life.

Grace Rampling
"At the start of last year I was averaging around a C for English. I set a goal to improve my English grades. Toward the second half of last year I was achieving Bs with a few As. This year I have continued to work hard with support from my teacher and parents and am achieving As for both English and HASS."
"It’s been amazing to see Grace’s dramatic improvement in her grades at school. She loves her teachers and works hard as a result."
Louise Rampling

Gabrielle Van Renen
"Before, I didn’t try very hard at school. I just cruised along, keeping out of trouble and avoiding doing work wherever possible. But I have changed. The ACC teachers inspire and encourage us to work harder, try harder, do better. I enjoy learning now and try to submit assessments before they are due."
"Gabby has been working hard to improve her English marks over the past year or so. The results have been very encouraging! Keep up the hard work :)"
Natalie Van Renen

Stean Wessels
When Stean first arrived from South Africa he struggled with spelling (D level) and writing (C- level). However, by the end of his first year at ACC Moreton he was receiving As for both these subject areas. Due to the remarkable improvement Stean made in 12 months, he then skipped an entire year level!
"What a blessing ACC has been to Stean! His improvement academically has been outstanding, particularly in English. We couldn’t be happier."
Stanley & Heleen Wessels

Jared Kercher
"I enjoy sport and being outside, so I decided to strive for top grades in HPE. By setting goals to improve and working hard toward those goals I was able to achieve straight As in HPE. I also set personal fitness goals to work on at home, such as improving my beep test scores. It was really motivating to achieve all these goals during the year."
"Jared has always been a keen sportsman with a desire to improve his skills and knowledge. I have greatly appreciated the support & encouragement given to him by his teachers at ACC to help him achieve his goals."
Megan Kercher

Chloe Roberts
"I began Year 10 Chemistry concerned whether I would be able to do the work. I didn’t consider myself a natural at science. But with encouragement and support from my Chemistry teacher, I was able to achieve a B in Semester 1 and with further hard work, an A in Semester 2."
"Chloe’s chemistry results last year is a testament to her hard work and the way that the teachers come alongside the students to help them achieve."
Dulcie Roberts

Axel Jobling
In just 12 months, Axel moved from ACER test results of 94.1 for Literacy to 126.2, which represents over 2 years worth of growth in 1 year. He is a hard worker, tries his best and this attitude has helped him to improve as a student.
"Well done Axel! With some much-needed support, Axel has greatly improved his reading and writing skills. We are very proud of him."
Tanja Jobling

Erik Jutila-Kern
Erik started the year with a C average, after coming from another school. At the beginning of the year Erik was very talkative in the classroom entertaining his new friends. However, his teacher realised he possessed great academic potential and discussed this with Erik. Toward the end of the year, Erik received a B, and he is now working toward an A.
"Erik has greatly improved since attending this school. His grades are on the up and he is maturing into a kind and empathic young man."
Danielle Jutila-Kern

Luke Dahtler
During Year 3, Luke improved dramatically in both his reading and his classroom behaviour (typically academic improvement leads to behaviour improvement, and vice versa). Luke really applied himself to improving his reading skills and with support from his classroom teacher was able to move from a reading level of 10 to 17 in one year. With this sense of accomplishment and purpose in the classroom, Luke became a more focused student.
"Luke’s reading came along in leaps and bounds last year. We are grateful for the support provided by the teachers at ACC."
Leisha Chapman

Cinta Banks
Cinta was finding Maths challenging at the beginning of the year. She worked hard during the year, using different strategies to improve her marks. Cinta moved from a C in Semester 1 to a B in Semester 2 for Maths. Cinta’s extra focus and effort also improved her grades in English and Music.
"Cinta has increased her dedication to school work and as a result is achieving higher grades. She has also benefited from supportive ACC teachers."
Gayawati Banks