Give your child the best start on their educational journey by enrolling your 4 year old in Prep at ACC Singleton.
Children enrolled in our Prep program benefit from a positive and holistic transition to Kindergarten at ACC Singleton. Our unique program focuses on a smooth and enjoyable progression for each child as they prepare for Big School.
The children attend classes alongside the mainstream primary classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays during the school term.
Our Prep program provides a rich environment for young children to extend their natural curiosity and feel a sense of belonging.
Staff provide a safe and caring environment for children, where their day includes laughter, stories, games, learning, indoor and outdoor play.
While focusing on school readiness, the Prep program includes early literacy, numeracy, sport, art and music sessions. Children also engage in whole school activities, such as Primary assemblies and sporting carnivals.
Our transition program is unique as your child will not only be given opportunities for imaginative and creative exploration, they will be learning the foundational skills of early literacy and numeracy. When combined with our caring Christian environment, your child is given every opportunity to thrive as they move onto Kindergarten.
Through engaging in the Prep program, your child is encouraged to build confidence, learn how to develop healthy friendships and begin a journey of lifelong learning.
We welcome you to come and have a tour to see Prep in action.

The Prep program provides an excellent transition for children into school life, commencing with preparation for Kindergarten, where your child is given a positive start to formal schooling.
The benefits of Prep include:
- Children enjoy a gentle transition into the formal education process.
- It increases your child’s ability to achieve success in Kindergarten.
- The development of positive relationships with your child’s peers and teachers.
- Gaining knowledge of the layout and the routines of the school, so that commencing Kindergarten becomes an exciting and happy transition for children.
- Modelling and establishing positive values for young children in this vital stage of their education.
While the Prep program is predominantly play-based, children also participate in:
- Further development in phonological awareness and literacy - letters and sounds.
- Further development in maths – numbers, patterns, sorting, days of the week, months of the year, etc.
- Gross motor skills development, e.g. ball skills, skipping, balancing and climbing.
- Fine motor skills development, e.g. writing, drawing, cutting, arts and craft.
- Performances include singing, dance, actions, costumes and instruments.