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Reduce Your
Homeschooling Burden

with ACC Southlands' PP-12
Distance Education Program

Request Guide

You're committed to providing Christian homeschooling for your children. However, the weight of homeschooling is beginning to drain your energy. Your energy levels are quite low, and you long for an alternative that continues to foster home-based and faith-based learning without the exhaustion.

This exhaustion isn't just physical; it's also mental and emotional. The responsibility of being your children's sole educator is immense. Being their sole educator involves balancing lesson planning, teaching, grading, participating in home education moderator visits and still maintaining the home. This balancing act can be overwhelming, and you yearn for a solution. A solution that not only eases this burden but also aligns with your Christian faith.

Welcome to ACC Southlands’ PP-12 Distance Education Program*, a unique platform that merges the benefits of home-learning with the structure of a learning program, while upholding a Christian worldview.

Learn from anywhere

Learn From Anywhere

24/7 Lesson Access

24/7 Lesson Access

Experienced Online Teachers

Experienced Online Teachers

Current School Response Time Less Than 10 Minutes

Current Response Less Than 10 Min.

WACE Online Provides Tertiary Pathways

WACE Online (ATAR & General)

21 WACE Subjects Available

21 WACE Subjects Available

Imagine your children diving into engaging lessons from the comfort of your home, their curiosity nurtured under your loving watch. Yet, you are no longer alone in this journey. This journey now includes our experienced teachers, proficient in online education, who are ready to guide and support your children.

On this journey with ACC Southlands, learning knows no bounds. No bounds mean your children can have 24/7 access to lessons, learning in a rhythm that best suits them. They can complete their WACE online (both ATAR and General pathways), all from the familiar warmth of your home.

Ready to explore an education solution that respects your faith, your love for home education, and your need for balance? Download our comprehensive digital guide today.

* Conditions apply to all enrolments.

DE student happy and loving life


The Definitive Guide to Distance Education

Download this FREE comprehensive digital guide today!

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